Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Apathy means an attitude of "I Dont care". We come across a lot of people who suffer from apathy. What else can be the reason for low voter turn out, people spitting on the road, littering,etc.

Do we really care on the global warming front?Do we really care about the electricity shortage, water shortage, etc. Do we care how people are dying of hunger and we waste a lot of food?

We only care about some things which affect us directly. We don't understand or realize the impact of the things that impact us indirectly.I think many of us do care but then think what can I do alone. The amazing thing is most of us think this way. There is an uniformity in thinking. I admit I am also among the majority but do my bit (may be 1%). I have come across especially young people of my age who don't care about all these issues. We are becoming more and more self centered. We exploit the environment and then crib about low rainfall. We litter and use polythene bags and complain about water logging. I know this is not going to change anything. Because majority knows whatever is written.

As Helen Keller said we have found out the cure for virtually all diseases but still the most dangerous disease seems to have no cure- Apathy. (not the exact verbatim of what Keller said)

1 comment:

linkinpark said...

nice blog dear...seriously we all possess apathy...people do not even look towards a person who is dyeing in fron of tem...people don cure of the people of teir class i.e. human being...tar maag environment faar duraachi goshta aahe u knw...Still we ll have to try our best from our side...nice blog again